Forms b Informed Consent For Telesessions Download Form View Form b New Hippa Download Form View Form b Patient COVID Questionnaire Download Form View Form b Assesing Our Relationship Questionnaire Download Form View Form b Managing The Relationship Questionnaire Download Form View Form b Problem Diagnosis Questionnaire Download Form View Form b Problem Diagnostic Questionnaire Individual Download Form View Form b INTAKE FORM – I Download Form View Form b INTAKE FORM – II Download Form View Form b Therapy Consent Form Download Form View Form b Couple Informed Consent Form Download Form View Form b Adolescent Informed Consent Form Download Form View Form b Coaching Agreement Download Form View Form b Life History Questionnaire Download Form View Form X INTAKE FORM II - 1 Spanish Carlos Durana, Ph.D., M.Ac. 4915 St. Elmo Ave., Suite 504 - Room 7C Bethesda, MD 20814 301-654-0800 2265 Cedar Cove Court Reston, VA 20191 703-408-4965 703-620-0420 (FAX) INTAKE FORM–II-1 Spanish Formulario de Admisión de Paciente Nuevo (Por favor escriba claramente) Fecha Nombre * Teléfono de Casa * Dirección Celular Ciudad Estado Código Postal Teléfono de Trabajo Dirección de Correo Electrónico Ocupación Fecha de Nacimiento Edad Sexo Altura Peso Referido por En caso de emergencia notificar a Vínculo Teléfono de Casa Teléfono Trabajo Celular Doctor Teléfono del Doctor Dirección Calle Ciudad Estado Código Postal Motivo de la visita de hoy? Por cuánto tiempo ha tenido esta condición? La ha sufrido en el pasado? De responder “si”, mencione cuándo Qué la hace mejorar? Qué la empeora? Su condición está… empeorando mejorando es constante va y viene De aplicar, circula un número para indicar tu nivel de dificultad. Mínimo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Extremo Si tienes un diagnóstico, cuál es? Médico que lo diagnosticó Hay otros profesionales de la salud tratando esta condición? S / N Yes No Estás bajo el cuidado de otro médico por otros problemas? (Mencionar problema y médico) Qué tipo de tratamientos has probado? Qué estaba ocurriendo en tu vida cuando comenzaron tus dificultades? Por favor, describe cualquier evento(s) importante(s) que estaba ocurriendo en tu vida en ese momento o que haya ocurrido después y que contribuyó a tus dificultades Por favor, lista todos los medicamentos, hormonas, laxantes, hierbas, homeopáticos y suplementos vitamínicos que estás tomando y por cuál motivo. Por favor, menciona alergias a cualquier medicamento Historia Médica Fecha de tu último examen físico Quién lo realizó? Cirugías y fechas Accidentes, hospitalizaciones y traumas significantes con sus respectivas fechas: Tienes o has tenido (circula y menciona el año): SIDA, CRS o VIH Fiebre Reumática Cáncer Dislexia Enfermedad de tiroides Hepatitis IDADHD Hemofilia Problemas del hígado Enfermedades Sexualmente Transmitidas Problemas de riñón o vejiga Úlcera Epilepsia Polio Depresión Cálculos Biliares Fiebre Escarlata Ansiedad Pérdida de peso repentina Neuralgia Enfisema Transfusiones de sangre Hemorroides Neumonía Mononucleosis Malaria Eczema Artritis Ictericia Urticaria/Erupción Presión arterial alta Rubéola Bronquitis Colesterol alto Pancreatitis Diverticulosis Problemas cardíacos Tuberculosis Alguna vez has tomado corticoesteroides suprarrenales (cortisona, prednisona, etc.)? S/N Yes No Por cuánto tiempo Cuántos tratamientos con antibióticos has tenido? Tienes empastes plateados de amalgama? Historia inusual de Partos (parto prolongado, forceps, Cesárea, etc.)? Lista accidentes/cirugías y lugar de las cicatrices Qué vacunas te han colocado? Tétano (lockjaw) Viruela Diftéria Poliomelitis Pertussis (tos ferina) Rubéola (Sarampión) Gripe Otra Qué vacunas te han colocado en el último año? Has viajado fuera del país. Dónde? Por favor circula todas las que aplican y menciona el año en que ocurrieron Historia Médica Familiar Alcoholismo Anemia Enfermedad del hígado Alergia Diabetes Estómago/úlceras Artritis Epilepsia Enfermedad Pulmonar Gota Enfermedad cardíaca Problemas Psicológicos Asma Glaucoma Derrame Cerebral Cáncer/tumores Presión alta Enfermedades Genéticas Enfermedad coronaria Enfermedad del riñón Musculoesquelética Rigidez/dolor de cuello Dolor/rigidez Espalda media Calambres pierna o pantorrilla Dolor del Omoplato Dolor/rigidez Espalda baja Dolor/rigidez del Tobillo Dolor/rigidez de articulación del hombro Dolor/rigidez de Sacroilíaca Tobillos débiles Dolor/rigidez brazo superior Dolor/rigidez de Cadera Entumecimiento y hormigueo en los pies Dolor/rigidez en el Codo Dolor en la pierna o muslo Dolor/rigidez Pié o dedos Dolor/rigidez en la Muñeca Dolor de pantorrilla Dolor de pantorrilla Dolor/rigidez Mano o Dedos Piernas débiles Debilidad Muscular Entumecimiento y hormigueo en las manos Dolor/rigidez de Rodillas Parálisis Dolor/rigidez Espalda superior Rodillas débiles Rigidez generalizada El problema mejora con presión calor frio otro El problema se agrava con presión calor frio otro Gastrointestinal Estreñimiento Sangre en las heces Acidez estomacal Heces duras Heces negras Dolor/calambres abdomen inferior Movimientos intestinales incompletos Hemorroides Dolor/calambres abdomen superior Uso frecuente laxantes Colitis Indigestión Diarrea Diverticulitis Ruidos en el estómago Heces blandas Parásitos Mal aliento Movimientos intestinales erráticos Distensión Abdominal Apetito excesivo Heces fétidas Gases (flatulencia) Poco apetito Alimentos no digeridos en las heces Moco en las heces Sed excesiva Hinchado Hernia Hiatal Náusea Eructación Úlcera Vómitos Incremento/pérdida de más de 10 libras Dificultad para tragar Con qué frecuencia vas al baño? Cardiovascular Presión Alta Enfermedad coronaria Edema Presión Baja Colesterol Alto Hinchazón de las manos Desmayos Derrame Cerebral Hinchazón de los pies Arritmia cardíaca Coágulo sanguíneo Manos frías Problemas válvulas cardíacas Flebitis Pies fríos Latido cardíaco rápido/palpitaciones Calambres en las piernas Palmas manos calientes Ataques de Vértigo Venas Varicosas Pies o suelas calientes Dificultad Respiratoria Moretones con facilidad Generalmente con mucho calor Angina o dolor de pecho Anemia Generalmente con mucho frio Piel y Cabellos Erupciones/Salpullidos Herpes Zoster (shingles) Pies húmedos Urticaria Furúnculos Palmas húmedas Picor Granos de acné Hongos en la piel Ardor en la piel Úlceras o heridas Hongos bajo las uñas Eczema Lunares recientes Uñas frágiles o quebradizas Psoriasis Cambios recientes en lunares Caída del cabello Moretones fácilmente Verrugas Caspa Sangra fácilmente Piel Seca Algún área adormecida? Dónde? Ojos/Visión Miopía Ceguera Nocturna Ojos acuosos Hipermetropía (Presbicia) Sensibilidad a la luz Ojos irritados Astigmatismo Visión borrosa Ojos enrojecidos Glaucoma Manchas flotantes Conjuntivitis Cataratas Presión detrás de los ojos Usas lentes o contactos Visión de aura Dolor en los ojos Ceguera Visión de aura Dolor en los ojos Ceguera Visión doble Ojos resecos Infecciones en los ojos Sueño Dificultad para dormirse, conectado Despiertas durante la noche-mente vacía, ojos abiertos Dificultad para despertar en la mañana Sueño superficial Despiertas durante la noche-pensando Duerme con manta eléctrica Alteración del sueño Necesita tomar siestas Duerme muy poco Pesadillas Duerme demasiado Duerme en cama de agua Somnoliento (a) en la tarde Ronquido Despiertas cansado (a) Cuántas horas duermes en un período de 24 horas? Urinario and Genital Cantidad escasa o pequeña de orina El flujo no para rápidamente Dolor en los genitales Orina oscura Goteo Dolor durante el coito Olor fuerte en la orina Moja la cama Baja energía sexual Orina turbia Dolor o ardor al orinar Excesiva energía sexual Cantidad abundante o grande de orina Dolor en el área de la vejiga No puede alcanzar Orgasmos Orina clara Sangre en la orina Problemas de Próstata Incapaz de retener la orina Infección de vejiga Conteo bajo de esperma Urgencia para orinar Infección renal Eyaculación durante el sueño Orina con frecuencia Cálculos en los riñones Eyaculación precoz Dificultad para orinar Bultos en los testículos No puede mantener erección Flujo de orina disminuido Testículos dolorosos Con qué frecuencia orinas en 24 horas? Cuántas veces despiertas para orinar durante la noche? Algún otro problema con tu sistema urinario? Embarazos y Ginecología Número de embarazos Poco flujo Fibromas uterinos Número de partos Sangre de color claro/pálido Quiste en Ovarios Partos prematuros Períodos dolorosos Quiste o Nódulos en las mamas Abortos espontáneos Endometriosis Enfermedad pélvica inflamatoria Abortos Calambres antes de comenzar el período Actualmente tiene un DIU Partos difíciles Calambres después de comenzar el período Ha tenido un DIU Cesáreas Dolor de espalda con el período Uso actual de Pastillas anticonceptivas Edad de tus hijos Manchas entre períodos Uso previo de Pastillas anticonceptivas Edad a la primera menstruación Períodos irregulares Otro método anticonceptivo Primer día de última menstruación Irritabilidad Premenstrual No puede mantener un embarazo Duración del flujo Sensibilidad emocional Premenstrual Tratando de embarazarme Duración del ciclo Tensión Premenstrual en las mamas Infertilidad Edad de la Menopausia Distensión abdominal Embarazada Edad cuando menstruaste por última vez Premenstrual Náuseas matutinas Histerectomía Razón: Retención de líquidos Premenstrual Lactando Ooforectomía Razón: Dolor de cabeza Premenstrual Coágulos: Morado oscuro, Marrón oscuro, Rojo No he comenzado a menstruar Estreñimiento/Diarrea Premenstrual Flujo vaginal: Inodoro Olor fuerte y pardusco Blanco/parecido al queso Espumoso y abundante Picazón Flujo irregular Sofocos Flujo fuerte Citología anormal Algún otro problema de embarazo o ginecológico? Fecha de la última citología Respiratorio Tos crónica Flema amarillenta Jadeo Tos seca Flema con sangre Asma, más difícil para exhalar Tos ruidosa y constipada Bronquitis Asma, más difícil para Inhalar Tos suelta Neumonía Asma, peor al exhalar Flema gruesa, pegajosa Dolor al respirar profundo Refriados de pecho frecuentes Flema acuosa Dificultad respiratoria Flema clara y blanca Enfisema Cabeza, Oídos, Nariz, Boca, Garganta y Neurológico Resfriados frecuentes Cambios en la escritura Boca seca Sinusitis Dolor de cabeza Saliva o babeo en exceso Dolor facial Migrañas Mal sabor en la boca Quijada tensa o crujidos (TMJ) Congestión de oídos Cambios en el gusto Rechinar los dientes Dolor de oídos Heridas en la lengua Caries frecuentes Zumbido en los oídos Heridas en la boca (aftas) Problemas de encías Dificultad para oír Heridas en los labios (ampolla febril) Sangrado de encías Mareos Dificultad para tragar Prótesis dental Sordera Nódulo o fisura en la garganta Mareos o pérdida del balance Congestión nasal Dolor de garganta Contusión Secreción nasal Nódulos linfáticos hinchados Temblores Sangrados nasales Amigdalitis Convulsiones Estornudos Faringitis Debilidad Alergias Adormecimiento Disminución del sentido del olfato General Simple Resfriado Ictericia Pérdida de peso reciente Gripe Inflamación de las axilas y las ingles Aumento reciente de peso Fiebre recurrente Anemia Con frecuencia sediento Escalofríos Fatigado siempre Raramente sediento Sudores nocturnos Se fatiga fácilmente Uso de alcohol Transpira fácilmente con o sin esfuerzo Caída repentina de energía Fuma Raramente transpira Drogas fuertes o recreativas Emocional Depresión Cambios de humor Llanto frecuente Sentimientos suicidas Episodios maníacos Ansiedad o miedo Rabia o irritación frecuentes Obsesivo o Compulsivo Indecisión Tendencia a reprimir emociones Tristeza o luto Dificultad para manejar el stress Soledad Pierde el temperamento fácilmente Dificultad para Relajarse Sueños o pensamientos aterradores Falta de concentración o memoria Timidez o sensibilidad Dificultad para el sexo Preocupación excesiva Desea ayuda psiquiátrica Alguna vez has sufrido abuso emocional, físico o sexual? Alguna vez has sido tratado por problemas emocionales? Has tenido recientemente alguna experiencia inusualmente estresante (divorcio, muerte de algún ser querido, bancarrota, desempleo, enfermedad, daño o lesión, etc.)? Describir Existe un estrés constante en tu vida, en el trabajo, con tu familia, etc. Algún otro problema emocional? Emociones 1. Rabia/Frustración. Puedes expresar tu rabia? Estás a menudo al borde y te enojas fácilmente, o eres más del tipo de persona que tiene dificultad para expresar sus sentimientos de rabia. Describir brevemente 2. Alegría. Te ríes con frecuencia durante momentos inapropiados o te ríes muy frecuentemente. O tiendes a tener dificultad expresando alegría y risas. Describir brevemente 3. Comprensión. Tiendes a buscar la comprensión de otros cuando enfrentas algún problema o dolor, o eres incapaz de aceptar la comprensión de los otros. Tiendes a ser demasiado compasivo o comprensivo con los demás, o es lo contrario. Describir brevemente 4. Duelo/Pérdida. Puedes llorar, tienes dificultad para llorar independientemente de la situación, o lloras por cosas simples. Vives tu duelo o sentimiento de pérdida con facilidad, o es difícil. Describir brevemente 5. Miedo. Te asustas con facilidad, o rara vez sientes miedo. Describir brevemente Familia / Relaciones El día en que naciste (salud, dificultades, estrés y expectativas familiares) Dificultades o factores estresantes durante la infancia/adolescencia (describir) Amistades (vida social). Se te hace fácil hacer amigos y conservarlos, o se te hace difícil Describir Relación actual con tus padres y hermanos (describir) Horarios / Hábitos / Intereses Horarios para dormir y calidad del sueño (describir) Nutrición y alimentación, regularidad y hábitos, por ejemplo, comes siempre con prisa o te tomas tu tiempo para comer y disfrutar tus comidas (describir) Vida laboral (satisfacción, metas, estrés, etc.) Describe Vida Sexual (placer, frecuencia, dificultades, etc.). Describe Intereses Intelectuales (describir) Ejercicios/auto-cuidado (describir) Qué es lo que más disfruto (describir) Espiritualidad/religión (objetivo en la vida o misión en la vida, metas, satisfacción, etc.) Describe. Cómo me veo a mi mismo (capacidad de amar, autoestima, firmeza, poder, etc.) Fortalezas y limitaciones. Describe Expectativas con respecto al Tratamiento En pocas palabras, en que crees que consiste este tratamiento Cuánto tiempo crees que debe durar Cómo crees que el profesional debe interactuar con sus clientes. Cuáles son las cualidades ideales que él o ella debe tener Cuáles son tus expectativas y lo que esperas al venir aquí Puedes explicar esto en términos de cambios específicos de comportamientos. Por ejemplo, “Quiero dejar de hacer….”, o “Quiero comenzar a hacer….” Cómo sabrás que estos cambios han ocurrido Cuál es tu perspectiva de lo que necesitaría pasar para que estos cambios ocurran. Qué obstáculos pueden haber Qué reacciones importantes crees que estos cambios causarán en otros reCAPTCHA Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. X CONFIDENCIALIDAD Y CONSENTIMIENTO DEL CLIENTE PARA EL TRATAMIENTO Carlos Durana, Ph.D., M.Ac. 4915 St. Elmo Ave., Suite 504 - Room 7C Bethesda, MD 20814 301-654-0800 2265 Cedar Cove Court Reston, VA 20191 703-408-4965 703-620-0420 (FAX) CONFIDENCIALIDAD Y CONSENTIMIENTO DEL CLIENTE PARA EL TRATAMIENTO Pagos por Servicios: Se espera de los clientes el pago por los servicios prestados al momento de la consulta a menos que se haya llegado, previamente, a un acuerdo diferente. Los cheques deben hacerse a nombre de Carlos Durana. Usualmente, las sesiones de terapia individual tienen una duración de 50 minutos (este intervalo de 10 minutos entre una consulta y otra es utilizado por el terapeuta para archivar las anotaciones de la sesión finalizada y para prepararse para el próximo cliente). Reembolso del Seguro Médico: Los clientes que posean seguro médico deben recordar que nuestros servicios profesionales serán cobrados al cliente y no a la compañía aseguradora. A los clientes que lo soliciten, se les entregará una factura o recibo la cual podrán presentar a su compañía de seguro para fines de reembolso. Cancelaciones: Debido a que la programación de una consulta involucra la reservación de un tiempo específico para cada cliente, la cancelación o cambio de consultas debe hacerse con un mínimo de 24 horas de anticipación. En caso de sesiones perdidas sin previa notificación, se cobrará el valor total de la consulta. Confidencialidad: Toda la información revelada durante las sesiones es confidencial y no puede ser divulgada a terceros sin la debida autorización por escrito del cliente, con la única excepción de que sea requerido por la Ley. La divulgación de la información debe ser requerida bajo las siguientes circunstancias: cuando exista una sospecha razonable de que el cliente representa un peligro de violencia para otros o cuando se presuma que el cliente pueda hacerse daño, a menos que se tomen otras medidas preventivas. La información podrá ser compartida con otro profesional en el caso de consulta y revisión de casos. Sin embargo, cuando esto suceda, no se utilizarán identificadores personales, como nombres. Procedimiento de Emergencia: En situaciones en que haya riesgo de muerte o amenazas que pongan la vida en peligro, llamar primero al “911” o a la policía. Si su llamada no es una emergencia de esta naturaleza, pero necesita contactarme entre sesiones, por favor llamar a los números anteriormente mencionados y dejar un mensaje. Entraremos en contacto lo antes posible. Por favor hacer uso de estas instrucciones únicamente en caso de verdaderas emergencias. He leído y entiendo las políticas de esta oficina y estoy de acuerdo en comenzar el tratamiento bajo las condiciones prescritas. Nombre del Cliente * FECHA Número de teléfono * Email reCAPTCHA Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. X CONSENTIMIENTO INFORMADO PARA PAREJA Carlos Durana, Ph.D., M.Ac. 4915 St. Elmo Ave., Suite 504 - Room 7C Bethesda, MD 20814 301-654-0800 2265 Cedar Cove Court Reston, VA 20191 703-408-4965 703-620-0420 (FAX) CONSENTIMIENTO INFORMADO PARA PAREJA Entendemos que la terapia de parejas comienza con una evaluación de nuestra relación incluyendo pasado y presente de la misma. Durante esta evaluación el Dr. Durana decidirá si él es el terapeuta apropiado para nosotros, al mismo tiempo que nosotros decidiremos si deseamos o no comenzar la terapia de parejas con él. Entendemos que debido al compromiso que se requiere en cuanto tiempo y dinero además del potencial impacto en nosotros y otras personas (ver abajo), es importante hacer una elección informada al momento de escoger un terapeuta de pareja. Hemos leído y entendemos los límites potenciales de la confidencialidad, incluyendo aquellos impuestos por las políticas del Dr. Durana y por las leyes del Estado. Hemos recibido una copia para mantenerla con nosotros. Entiendo que el rol del Dr. Durana es proveer servicios terapéuticos para que pueda sentirme mejor y/o para mejorar mi funcionamiento, especialmente cuando está relacionado con mi familia. El rol del Dr. Durana no tiene la intención de reunir información para ser usada en los tribunales ni de hacer juicios en relación a mi familia. Por consiguiente, estoy de acuerdo en que no llamare al Dr. Durana para pedirle que proporcione records de tratamientos o para testificar en un futuro divorcio o acción de custodia. Entiendo que los tribunales pueden designar profesionales que no han tenido contacto previo con mi familia para conducir evaluaciones independientes y hacer recomendaciones al tribunal. Entiendo que la política del Dr. Durana es no tener participación alguna en mi caso por ante un tribunal porque esto podría perjudicar nuestra relación y la habilidad de lograr mis metas. Mis metas incluyen el resolver preocupaciones personales con el fin de preservar mi matrimonio y/o para ser un mejor padre o madre. Ya que necesito hablar libremente, mi cónyuge también está de acuerdo en que nunca le pedirá al Dr. Durana testificar o presentar los records de mi tratamiento en un tribunal. Al firmar este formulario ambos estamos acordando en no usar ninguno de mis records de intervención terapéutica o testimonio en cualquier procedimiento judicial futuro. Entendemos todas las políticas como fueron descritas en la hoja de INFORMACION DEL PACIENTE y las aceptamos como condiciones para iniciar la terapia de pareja con el Dr. Durana. Se nos ha dado la oportunidad de hacer preguntas y de discutir las políticas de confidencialidad y de divulgación de información con el Dr. Durana. Entendemos que mientras estemos trabajando como una pareja todo lo que uno de nosotros pueda decirle al Dr. Durana individualmente, ya sea por teléfono o en sesiones individuales, será manejado de forma confidencial y no será compartido con el cónyuge/pareja sin el consentimiento del individuo. Acordamos compartir responsabilidad con el Dr. Durana para el proceso de terapia, incluyendo el establecimiento y logro de metas. Al comenzar la terapia de pareja, aceptamos que ambos entendemos que trabajar hacia el cambio puede significar el experimentar sentimientos difíciles e intensos, algunos de los cuales pueden ser dolorosos, con el fin de alcanzar las metas de la terapia. Entendemos que los cambios que uno de nosotros o ambos hagamos tendrán un impacto en nuestra pareja y en otras personas alrededor de nosotros. Aceptamos que tales cambios pueden tener efectos tanto positivos como negativos y acordamos en clarificar y evaluar los potenciales efectos de cambios antes de asumirlos. [El Dr. Durana ha explicado que su enfoque terapéutico en la terapia de pareja está en preservar y mejorar la relación en lugar de enfocarse en una felicidad individual. Si el mantenerse juntos es perjudicial para uno o ambos compañeros, el enfoque estará en facilitar una separación amigable] Al firmar abajo, estamos de acuerdo en aceptar los servicios de ayuda mental que ofrece el Dr. Durana y aceptamos total responsabilidad por los pagos para tales servicios. Name * Phone * Email Paciente : Fecha : reCAPTCHA Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. X CONFIDENCIALIDAD Y CONSENTIMIENTO DEL CLIENTE PARA EL TRATAMIENTO Carlos Durana, Ph.D., M.Ac. 4915 St. Elmo Ave., Suite 504 - Room 7C Bethesda, MD 20814 301-654-0800 2265 Cedar Cove Court Reston, VA 20191 703-408-4965 703-620-0420 (FAX) CONFIDENCIALIDAD Y CONSENTIMIENTO DEL CLIENTE PARA EL TRATAMIENTO Confidencialidad: La Psicoterapia está diseñada de forma que sea un lugar seguro donde el cliente puede hablar sobre cualquier asunto personal que haya decido explorar. Sepa, por favor, que cualquier asunto que discutamos durante una sesión de psicoterapia será considerado legalmente como información privada y confidencial. Esto quiere decir que no divulgare absolutamente nada de lo que me diga a terceros con excepción de una de las siguientes condiciones: a) Que usted me dé su autorización para hablar con otra persona, por ejemplo, otro profesional del área de la salud el cual le esté proporcionando algún tratamiento. b) Que usted me diga algo que me haga sentir obligado a revelárselo a otras personas. Por ejemplo, reportar caso de sospecha de abuso a menores o ancianos; o cuando exista alguna sospecha razonable de que el cliente representa una amenaza para sí mismo o para otros. Si usted se está consultando conmigo para terapia de pareja o de familia, Yo considero a la relación familiar o de pareja como el cliente. Durante el curso de nuestro trabajo puede ser que yo vea a alguno de ustedes individualmente para una o más sesiones o durante una parte de una sesión. Las sesiones deben ser vistas como parte del trabajo que estoy realizando con la pareja o la familia a menos que sea indicado de una forma diferente. Adicionalmente, la ley federal conocida como The Patriot Act 2001 requiere que los terapeutas y otros profesionales en ciertas circunstancias le proporcionen al FBI archivos y otros elementos del cliente, y el FBI a su vez puede prohibirle al terapeuta revelarle al cliente que tal información ha sido requerida u obtenida por el FBI bajo tal ley. Algunas veces consulto con otros terapeutas licenciados y con experiencia sobre cómo puedo ayudar al cliente de una mejor forma. Estos terapeutas consultados también están sujetos a las mismas leyes de confidencialidad señaladas anteriormente. Sin embargo, cuando esto es hecho, no se usa ningún identificador personal tales como nombres. La naturaleza de la psicoterapia: La Terapia funciona más efectivamente cuando usted es una participante activo en el proceso; sepa, por favor, que le doy la bienvenida a sus comentarios o preguntas acerca de nuestro trabajo en cualquier momento. Participar en terapia puede traer muchos beneficios incluyendo, pero sin límite, los siguientes: mejores relaciones interpersonales, reducción del estrés y ansiedad, una mejor comunicación con los seres queridos, aumento de la capacidad para la intimidad, disminución de pensamientos negativos y del comportamiento de auto sabotaje, aumento de la comodidad al establecer relaciones en la familia, el trabajo y la vida social, aumento de la auto estima y auto aceptación; mayor habilidad para vivir la vida a plenitud, mayor balance en la vida; y más auto consciencia. Tales beneficios pueden requerir de un esfuerzo substancial de su parte, incluyendo participaciones activas en el proceso terapéutico, honestidad y la disposición a cambiar sentimientos, pensamientos y comportamientos tanto como sea necesario. No hay garantía de que la terapia le conducirá a alguno o a todos los beneficios mencionados anteriormente. El proceso de orientación requiere responsabilidad y compromiso por parte del terapeuta y del cliente. Usted se beneficiara mayormente de la terapia si atiende regularmente y participa activamente en el proceso de orientación. Por favor, llegue a tiempo a sus consultas y haga los arreglos necesarios en su agenda para que pueda permanecer durante toda la sesión. La participación en la terapia puede significar cierta incomodidad, incluyendo el discutir sentimientos y experiencias, y puede evocar fuertes emociones como rabia, tristeza y miedo. Durante el proceso terapéutico muchos clientes encuentran que al inicio pueden sentirse peor antes de sentirse mejor. Generalmente es el curso normal de los eventos. El crecimiento personal y el cambio pueden ser algo fácil y rápido a veces y lento y frustrante otras veces. También puede suceder que a veces se sienta que entra en conflicto sobre si debe seguir atendiendo las sesiones o no. Si esto es el caso, le insto a manifestar sus preocupaciones para que podamos trabajar en ellas. El proceso de terapia puede conllevar veces a resultados imprevistos tales como cambios en las relaciones personales o profesionales y en las metas. Por favor esté consciente de que cualquier decisión sobre sus relaciones, vida personal o laboral son de su completa responsabilidad. Culminación de la Terapia: la duración de la terapia depende de su situación específica y del progreso que logremos. A medida que nos aproximemos a la finalización de sus metas, discutiré con usted un plan para finalizar la terapia. Si durante la terapia usted siente que los problemas por los cuales me está viendo no están siendo resueltos satisfactoriamente y usted desea ver otro terapeuta, yo le ofreceré referencias para otros terapeutas para ayudarle a una transición suave si así lo desea. Si llega a ser claro para mí que usted no se está beneficiando de nuestro trabajo en conjunto, estoy éticamente sujeto a dejar de tratarlo y a proveerle referencias para otras fuentes de terapia. Usted puede descontinuar la terapia en cualquier momento. Si usted elige terminar su terapia, yo generalmente recomendaré que nos reunamos al menos para una visita final con el fin de facilitarle una experiencia final positive y darnos la oportunidad de reflexionar acerca del trabajo que se ha realizado. Honorarios y política de cancelación: las sesiones de Terapia duran aproximadamente 50 minutos. Los honorarios para cada sesión se pueden pagar con cheque, efectivo o tarjeta de crédito (MasterCard/Visa). Las sesiones más largas son pro-rateadas por hora. No hay ningún cobro por consultas telefónicas breves (máximo cinco minutos), pero sesiones telefónicas más largas con usted o con otros profesionales que usted haya requerido para hablar en su nombre tendrán un cargo basado en el tiempo de duración de la llamada. Cuando marcamos una cita, ese tiempo está reservado exclusivamente para usted. Por lo tanto, si usted necesita cancelar una cita por favor hágalo con 24 horas de anticipación; de lo contrario me veré obligado a cobrar la sesión perdida ya que no tender la posibilidad de ocupar ese horario en tan corto tiempo. Disponibilidad del terapeuta y procedimientos de emergencia: Usted puede dejarme un mensaje en cualquier momento y normalmente devuelvo las llamadas dentro de un día laboral. Si es una emergencia de vida o muerte, llamar al 911 inmediatamente. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre todo lo mencionado anteriormente por favor hágala. De no tener ninguna pregunta, por favor firmar abajo. Al firmar usted está reconociendo que ha revisado y que entiende completamente este acuerdo, que cualquier pregunta que haya tenido con respecto al mismo y las condiciones de este acuerdo y que das u consentimiento para participar en psicoterapia. Nota: si usted ha impreso este formulario y lo está enviando por fax o escaneándolo e enviándolo por email, por favor firmar con su nombre en la primera línea abajo. Si usted lo está completando desde un aparato electrónico, por favor digitar su nombre en las dos líneas “firma” y “nombre imprenta”. Al hacer esto su firma electrónica indica que usted entiende y está de acuerdo con todo lo mencionado anteriormente. Firma: Nombre Impreso: * Teléfono de casa: * Teléfono de trabajo: Teléfono celular: Email: Dirección: Fecha de hoy: Su fecha de nacimiento: reCAPTCHA Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. X INFORMED CONSENT FOR TELE SESSIONS Carlos Durana, Ph.D., M.Ac. 4915 St. Elmo Ave., Suite 504 - Room 7C Bethesda, MD 20814 301-654-0800 2265 Cedar Cove Court Reston, VA 20191 703-408-4965 703-620-0420 (FAX) INFORMED CONSENT FOR TELE SESSIONS This Informed Consent for Tele health services contains important information focusing on doing psychotherapeutic services using the internet or phone. Please read this carefully and let me know if you have any questions. When you sign this document, it will represent an agreement between us. Benefits and Risks of Tele Sessions Tele therapy refers to providing remote therapeutic health services, using telecommunications technologies, such as video conferencing, for example, Doxy or Zoom, or telephone. One of the benefits of tele sessions is that the clinician and client can engage in services without being in the same physical location. This can be helpful in ensuring continuity of care if the clinician or client takes an extended vacation, moves to a different location, or is otherwise unable to continue to meet in person. It is a pleasing option during the current pandemic situation, where your comfort is most important. It is also more convenient and takes less time. Teletherapy, however, requires technical competence on both our parts to be helpful. Although there are benefits of tele sessions, there are some differences between telepsychology and psychotherapy in person, as well as some risks. For example: Confidentiality and Risks to Confidentiality I have a legal and ethical responsibility to make my best efforts to protect all communications that are a part of our tele session. With the nature of electronic communications technologies being as such, I cannot guarantee that our communications will be kept confidential or that other people may not gain access to our communications. I will try to keep your information private but know there is a risk that our electronic communications may be unsecured, compromised, or accessed by others. You should also take reasonable steps to ensure the security of our communications (for example, only using secure networks for tele sessions and having passwords to protect the device you use for sessions). Because tele sessions take place outside of the therapist’s private office, there is potential for other people to overhear sessions if you are not in a private place during the session. On my end I will take reasonable steps to ensure your privacy. But it is important for you to make sure you find a private place for our session where you will not be interrupted. It is also important for you to protect the privacy of our session on your cell phone or other device. You should participate in a session only while in a room or area where other people are not present and cannot overhear the conversation. It would be helpful if you could use headphones or earbuds, as they would limit the distractions from outside conversations. The extent of confidentiality and the exceptions to confidentiality that I outlined in my Informed Consent still apply in tele sessions. Please let me know if you have any questions about exceptions to confidentiality, and I will be happy to discuss them with you. Issues Related to Technology There are many ways that technology issues might impact tele session. For example, technological devices may stop working during a session, or stored data could be accessed by unauthorized people or companies Crisis Management and Intervention Usually, I will not engage in tele sessions with clients who are currently in a crisis, where there is a need for high levels of support and intervention. Before engaging in tele sessions, we will develop an emergency response plan to address potential crisis situations that may arise during our tele work. This is for your safety. If the session is interrupted and you are not having an emergency, disconnect from the session and I will wait a couple of minutes and then re-contact you via the tele platform on which we agreed to conduct therapy. If you do not receive a call back within a couple of minutes, then call me on the phone number I provided you (703-408-4965). For communication between sessions, I only use email communication and text messaging with your permission and only for administrative purposes unless we have made another agreement. This means that text messages and email exchanges with my office should be limited to administrative matters. This includes things like setting and changing appointments, billing issues, and other related issues. You should be aware that I cannot guarantee the confidentiality of any information communicated by text or email. Therefore, I will not discuss any clinical information by text or email and ask that you do not either. While my email and text are my own and not accessed by anyone else, it is still important that you do not send confidential information via these means. Also, these methods should not be used in the event of an emergency. Appropriateness of Telepsychology At times we may schedule office in-person sessions to “check-in” with one another. I will let you know if I decide that teletherapy is not the most appropriate form of treatment for you. We will discuss options of engaging in in-person counseling or referrals to another professional in your location who can provide appropriate services. Again, your comfort level is most important. If we decide that in-person sessions are the best course of treatment, all precautions will be taken to ensure both of our safety. We will decide together which kind of tele session service to use. You may have to have certain computer or cell phone systems to use tele session services. You are solely responsible for any cost to you to obtain any necessary equipment, accessories, or software necessary to take part in a tele session. Efficacy Most research shows that telepsychology is about as effective as in-person psychotherapy. However, some therapists believe that something is lost by not being in the same room. For example, there is debate about a therapist’s ability to fully understand non-verbal information when working remotely, I have found teletherapy to be extremely effective. I will do my best to ensure that I understand and communicate clearly and thoroughly as possible. If the session is interrupted for any reason, such as the technological connection fails, and you are having an emergency, do not call me back; instead, call 911, or go to your nearest emergency room. Call me back after you have called or obtained emergency services. Fees The same fee rates will apply for tele sessions as apply for in-person psychotherapy. Some insurance companies may not cover sessions that are conducted via telecommunication. As I stated in our initial conversations, I do not take insurance payments. If your insurance provider does not cover electronic psychotherapy sessions, you will be solely responsible for the entire fee of the session. No reimbursement will be made to you if tele sessions are not covered by insurance. It will be your responsibility to contact your insurance company prior to our engaging in telepsychology sessions to determine your coverage. If there is a technological failure and we are unable to resume the connection, you will only be charged the prorated amount of actual session time. Records The telepsychology sessions shall not be recorded in any way unless agreed to in writing by mutual consent. A record of our tele session will be kept in the same way I maintain records of in-person sessions in accordance with my policies. Informed Consent This agreement is intended as a supplement to the informed consent form that we agreed to at the outset of our clinical work together and does not amend any of the terms of that agreement. Your signature below indicates agreement with its terms and conditions. Name * Phone * Email Client Date reCAPTCHA Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. X New Hippa Carlos Durana, Ph.D., M.Ac. 4915 St. Elmo Ave., Suite 504 - Room 7C Bethesda, MD 20814 301-654-0800 2265 Cedar Cove Court Reston, VA 20191 703-408-4965 703-620-0420 (FAX) NOTICE OF PRIVACY PRACTICES To my clients: I am required to give this notice to you under the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). This notice describes how medical/psychological information about you may be used and disclosed, and how you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully. I.MY PLEDGE IN REGARD TO YOUR HEALTH INFORMATION: This notice will tell you about the ways in which I may use and disclose health information about you. I understand that health information about you and your health care is personal. I am committed to protecting health information about you. I create a record of the care and services you receive from me. This notice applies to all the records of your care produced by my practice. I need this record to provide you with superior care and to comply with certain legal requirements. I will also describe your rights to the health information I keep about you and describe certain obligations I have regarding the use and disclosure of your health information. I am required by law to: Make sure that protected health information (PHI) that identifies you is kept private. (Your Protected Health Information [PHI] is any information about your past, present, or future physical or mental health conditions or treatment, or any other information that could identify you.) Follow the terms of the notice that is currently in effect. Provide this notice of my legal duties and privacy practices with respect to health information. I can change the terms of this Notice, and such changes will apply to all information I have about you. The new Notice will be available upon request, in my office, and on my website. II. IN THE EVENT THAT I DISCLOSE INFORMATION ABOUT YOU: The following categories describe different ways that I use and disclose health information. For each category of uses or disclosures, I will explain what I mean and try to give some examples. Not every use or disclosure in a category will be listed. However, all the ways in which I am permitted to use and disclose information will fall within one of the categories. Some uses and disclosures require your authorization: Psychotherapy Notes: I do keep “psychotherapy notes,” and any disclosure or use of such notes requires your authorization unless the use or disclosure is: a.For my use in legal proceedings instituted by you, to protect myself. b.For my use in providing services to you. c.In the investigation by the Secretary of Health and Human Services for my compliance with HIPAA. d.For certain health oversight activities pertaining to the originator of the psychotherapy notes, that are required by law. e.Required by law and the use or disclosure is limited to the requirement of such law. f.Required to help avert a serious threat to the safety and health of others. g.Required by a coroner in the performance of duties. Marketing Purposes: As a psychotherapist, I will not disclose your PHI for marketing purposes. Sale of PHI: I will not sell your PHI, during my business, for any reason. III. MY USE AND DISCLOSURE OF HEALTH INFORMATION ABOUT YOU: The following categories describe different ways that I use and disclose health information. For each category of uses or disclosures I will explain what I mean and try to give some examples. Not every use or disclosure category will be listed. However, all the ways I am permitted to use and disclose information will fall within one of the categories. For Treatment, Payment, or Health Care Operations: Federal privacy rules (regulations) allow health care providers who have direct treatment relationship with the patient/client to use or disclose the patient/client’s personal health information without the patient’s written authorization. This applies to circumstances necessary to carry out the health care provider’s own treatment, payment or health care operations. I may also disclose your PHI for the treatment activities of any health care provider. This too can be done without your written authorization. For example, if a clinician were to consult with another licensed health care provider about your condition, we would be permitted to use and disclose your personal health information, which is otherwise confidential, in order to assist the clinician in diagnosis and treatment of your mental health condition. This is within the guidelines of PHI disclosure. Disclosure for treatment purposes are not limited to the minimum necessary standard. Because therapists and other health care providers need access to the full recorda and/or full and complete information in order to provide quality care, they will acquire your PHI from other physicians involved in your care in order to provide the best quality treatment. The word “treatment” includes, among other things, the direction and management of health care providers with a third party, consultations between health care providers and referrals of a patient for health care from one health care provider to another. Lawsuits and Disputes: If you are involved in a lawsuit, I may disclose health information in response to a court or administrative order. I may also disclose health information about your child in response to a subpoena, discovery request, or other lawful process by someone else involved in the dispute, but only if efforts have been made to tell you about the request or to obtain an order protecting the information requested. I may use or disclose PHI without your consent or authorization in the following situations: Child Abuse: I am required by law to report to the proper law enforcement authorities if I have reasonable cause to believe that a child has suffered abuse or neglect. Health Oversight: In the event the State Department of Health subpoenas me as a part of its investigations, hearings, or proceedings relating to the discipline, issuance, or denial of licensure to therapists, it will be necessary for me to comply. This may include disclosing your relevant mental health information. Adult and Domestic Abuse: I must immediately report to the proper enforcement authorities if I have reasonable cause to believe that abuse, abandonment, financial exploitation, physical or sexual assault, or neglect of a vulnerable adult has occurred. Serious Threat to Safety or Health: I may disclose your mental health information to anyone without authorization if I reasonably believe that disclosure will avoid or minimize imminent danger to your safety or the health or safety of any other individual. Judicial or Administrative Proceedings: If you are involved in a court proceeding, I will release information only with the written authorization of you/your legal representative, or a subpoena or court order. (This privilege does not apply when you are being evaluated for a third party or for the court; You will be informed in advance if this is the case.) Worker’s Compensation: If you file a worker’s compensation claim, I must make all relevant health information in my possession available to your representative, your employer, and the Department of Labor and Industries upon their request. Certain Uses and Disclosures Require You to Have the Opportunity to Object: Disclosures to family, friends, or others. I may provide your PHI to a family member or other person that you indicate is involved in your care or the payment for your health care, unless you object in whole or in part. The opportunity to consent may be obtained retroactively in emergency situations. IV. YOU HAVE THE FOLLOWING RIGHTS WITH RESPECT TO YOUR PHI: The Right to Request Limits for Out-of-Pocket Expenses Paid for in Full: You have the right to request limits on disclosures of your PHI to health plans for payment or health care operations purposes if the PHI pertains solely to a health care item or a health care service that you have paid for out-of-pocket in full. The Right to Request Limits on Uses and Disclosure of Your PHI: You have the right to ask me to not disclose or use certain PHI for treatment, payment, or health care operations purposes. I may not agree to your request, and I may say “no” if I believe it would affect your health care. The Right to See and Get Copies of Your PHI: Other than “psychotherapy notes,” you have the right to get an electronic or paper copy of your medical record and other information that I have about you. I will provide you with a copy of your record within 30 days of receiving your written request, and I may charge a reasonable, cost-based fee for doing so. The Right to Choose How I Send PHI to You: you have the right to ask me to contact you in a specific way (for example, home or office phone) or to send mail to a different address, and I will agree to all reasonable requests. The Right to Get a Paper or Electronic Copy of this Notice: You have the right to get a paper copy of this Notice, and you have the right to get a copy of this notice by email. And, even if you have agreed to this Notice via email, you also have the right to request a paper copy of it. The Right to Get a LIst of the Disclosure I Have Made: You have the right to request a list of occurrences in which I have disclosed your PHI for purposes other than treatment, payment, or health care operations, or for which you provided me with authorization. I will respond to your request for a statement of disclosure within 60 days of receiving your request. The list I will give you will include releases made in the last six years unless you request a shorter time. I will provide the list to you at no charge. The Right to Correct or Update Your PHI: If you believe that there is a mistake in your PHI or that a piece of important information is missing from your PHI, you have the right to request that I correct or add to the existing information. I may say “no” to your request, but I will tell you why in writing within 60 days of receiving your request. EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS NOTICE This notice went into effect on: Acknowledgement of Receipt of Privacy Notice Under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), you have certain rights regarding the use and disclosure of your protected health information. By checking the box below, you are acknowledging that you have received a copy of HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices. BY SIGNING BELOW, I AM AGREEING THAT I HAVE READ, UNDERSTOOD, AND AGREE TO THE ITEMS CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT. Name * Phone * Email Signature of Patient: Signature of Parent/Guardian (if patient is under 18): Date reCAPTCHA Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. X Patient COVID Questionnaire Carlos Durana, Ph.D., M.Ac. 4915 St. Elmo Ave., Suite 504 - Room 7C Bethesda, MD 20814 301-654-0800 2265 Cedar Cove Court Reston, VA 20191 703-408-4965 703-620-0420 (FAX) PATIENT COVID QUESTIONNAIRE Dear Patients, This document contains important information about in-person services in light of the public health crisis. Your Responsibility to Minimize Your Exposure: To obtain services in person, you agree to take certain precautions which will help keep everyone (you, me, and our families, and other patients) safer from exposure, and sickness. *You will keep your appointment only if symptom free. Do you have any of the following? (Fever, Cough, Shortness of Breath, Flu-like symptoms etc.) * Yes No *Have you had contact with any confirmed COVID-19 positive people? Yes No *Have you traveled to any foreign country? * Yes No *Have you traveled domestically? * Yes No In addition, please initial that you are in agreement with the following: You will wash your hands or use hand sanitizer when you enter the building. You will keep a distance of 6 feet and there will be no physical contact (e.g. no shaking hands) with me. You will take responsible steps between appointments to minimize your exposure. If you have a job that exposes you to those who are infected, you will let me know. If you show up for your appointment and I feel that you are showing symptoms, you will be asked to reschedule. I may change the above precautions if additional local, state, or federal orders or guidelines are published. If that happens, we will talk about any necessary changes. My Commitment to Minimize Exposure: My practice has taken steps to reduce the risk of spreading the virus within the office. Please let me know if you have questions about these efforts. These include the wearing of masks by both myself and my patient. Masks will be provided if needed. If you arrive by car, please wait in your car until I call you. Appointments will be staggered to ensure limited exposure to others. Your Confidentiality in the Case of Infection: If you have tested positive for the coronavirus, I may be required to notify local health authorities that you have been in the office. If I have to report this, I will only provide the minimum information necessary for their data collection and will not go into any details of the reason(s) for our visits. By signing this form, you are agreeing that I may do so without an additional signed release. Informed Consent: This agreement supplements the general informed consent/business agreement that we agreed to at the start of our work together. Your signature below shows that you agree to these terms and conditions. Patient/Client * Date Phone * Email Therapist reCAPTCHA Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. X ASSESSING OUR RELATIONSHIP QUESTIONNAIRE: Carlos Durana, Ph.D., M.Ac. 4915 St. Elmo Ave., Suite 504 - Room 7C Bethesda, MD 20814 301-654-0800 2265 Cedar Cove Court Reston, VA 20191 703-408-4965 703-620-0420 (FAX) ASSESSING OUR RELATIONSHIP QUESTIONNAIRE: LOOKING BACK: OUR EARLY RELATIONSHIP Name Phone * Email How did you meet? What were your first impressions? What attracted you to your partner? What did you like and fall in love with? Why did you choose your partner? What qualities attracted you that would make you more attracted to your partner now? How did you express your fondness, admiration, respect, appreciation, and liking for your partner during the first few months (to a year) of your relationship? How did he/she express these feelings towards you? How did you decide to get married? What were the joys and difficulties surrounding the event? Describe your honeymoon What was the vision of the relationship you wanted when you first met? Describe the happy times in your relationship. Describe major transitions in your relationship (parenting, career moves, extended family, etc.) Discuss the ups and downs. What kind of pleasurable things did you do at the beginning of the relationship? Which ones do you still do? How have you managed to stay together? What have been the greatest assets in your relationship? The greatest limitations? What do you like best about yourself? Least? What do you like best about your partner? Least? Offering Couples Counseling, Couples Therapy, Marriage Counseling, and Marriage Therapy in Reston, VA. and Bethesda, MD. reCAPTCHA Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. X Managing The Relationship Questionnaire Carlos Durana, Ph.D., M.Ac. 4915 St. Elmo Ave., Suite 504 - Room 7C Bethesda, MD 20814 301-654-0800 2265 Cedar Cove Court Reston, VA 20191 703-408-4965 703-620-0420 (FAX) MANAGING THE RELATIONSHIP: QUESTIONNAIRE Name * Phone * Email How do you soothe yourself when there is conflict in your relationship? How do you soothe your partner? What attempts do you make to repair the relationship when conflict develops? How do you manage the relationship? What does your partner say or do that works well when there are conflicts? What has worked in the past or at the beginning of your relationship towards improving your relationship? What have you done and what has your partner done? How do you convey acceptance, respect and fondness to your partner? How does he/she react when you do this? What were the last four caring behaviour you carried out for your partner? The last four uncaring behaviour? How do you turn to each other for support and comfort? How do you behave in ways that put your partner’s well-being first? Offering Couples Therapy, Couples Counseling, Marriage Therapy and Marriage Counseling in Reston, VA. and Bethesda, MD. reCAPTCHA Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. X Problem Diagnosis Questionnaire Carlos Durana, Ph.D., M.Ac. 4915 St. Elmo Ave., Suite 504 - Room 7C Bethesda, MD 20814 301-654-0800 2265 Cedar Cove Court Reston, VA 20191 703-408-4965 703-620-0420 (FAX) PROBLEM DIAGNOSIS QUESTIONNAIRE Name * Phone * Email When did things in the relationship begin to change towards the worst? What was happening then in your family (internal and external stressors)? What contributed to the change? What maintains the relationship the way it is? What is your contribution to that? What keeps you in the relationship? If you could leave without financial hardships or other repercussions, would you leave? How do you want the relationship to be? What is your vision of it? What are your hopes, wishes and dreams? What is the problem? What is the tissue underneath the problem? (See page title “Basis issues underlying relationship problems.”) What would you like to change? What might it look and feel like when the relationship improves? How did the problem develop? How is the problem maintained? What is your role or contribution?These are the things that you repeat and feel like you are beating your head against the wall? What is your partner’s role in the problem? What are your assets, strengths and resources? Your partner’s? What are the exceptions to the problem? When things work well and you are getting along, what do you contribute towards that? Your partner’s contributions then? What is one thing you could do to improve the situation? One thing your partner could do? Do more of what works and less of what hasn’t worked.List Behavioral Goals: Actions speak louder than words. Offering Couples Therapy, Couples Counseling, Marriage Counseling and Marriage Therapy in Reston, VA. and Bethesda, MD. reCAPTCHA Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. X Problem Diagnostic Questionnaire Individual Carlos Durana, Ph.D., M.Ac. 4915 St. Elmo Ave., Suite 504 - Room 7C Bethesda, MD 20814 301-654-0800 2265 Cedar Cove Court Reston, VA 20191 703-408-4965 703-620-0420 (FAX) PROBLEM DIAGNOSIS QUESTIONNAIRE (INDIVIDUAL) Name * Phone * Email What is the issue or the problem? What are the issues underneath the problem? How did the problem develop? When did things begin to change for the worse? What was happening then in your family (internal and external stressors)? What contributed to the change? How is the problem maintained? What is your role or contribution – the things that you repeat and make you feel like you are beating your head against the wall? How do you want things to be? What is your vision of it? What are your hopes, wishes, and dreams? What would you like to change? What might it look and feel like when things improve? If you have a partner, what is her/his role in the problem? What are your assets, strengths, and resources? When things work well, what do you do to contribute towards that? What is one thing you could do to improve the situation? Dr. Carlos Durana offers Individual Counseling and Psychotherapy, Couples Therapy, Couples Counseling, Marriage Counseling, and Marriage Therapy in Reston, VA and Bethesda, MD. reCAPTCHA Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. X Therapy Consent Form Carlos Durana, Ph.D., M.Ac. 4915 St. Elmo Ave., Suite 504 - Room 7C Bethesda, MD 20814 301-654-0800 2265 Cedar Cove Court Reston, VA 20191 703-408-4965 703-620-0420 (FAX) CLIENT INFORMATION SHEET AND INDIVIDUAL CONSENT FOR TREATMENT The Nature of Psychotherapy: Therapy works best when you are an active partner in the process, so please know that I welcome your feedback or questions about our work at any time. Participating in therapy may result in benefits, including, but not limited to: improved interpersonal relationships; reduced stress and anxiety; better communication with loved ones; increased capacity for intimacy; a decrease in negative thoughts and/or self-sabotaging behaviors; increased comfort in social, work and family settings; increased self-confidence and self-acceptance; greater ability to experience life more fully; more balance in life; and deeper self-awareness. Such benefits may require substantial effort on your part, including active participation in the therapeutic process, honesty, and a willingness to change feelings, thoughts and behaviors as needed. There is no guarantee that therapy will yield any or all of the benefits listed above. The counseling process involves responsibility and commitment on the part of the clinician and on the part of the client. You will receive the most benefit from counseling if you attend your sessions regularly and participate actively in the counseling process. Please arrive on time for your appointments and make arrangements to stay for the duration of the session. Participating in therapy may involve discomfort, including discussing difficult feelings and experiences, and may evoke strong emotions, including anger, sadness, and fear. During the therapeutic process, many clients find that they may initially feel worse before they feel better. This is generally a normal course of events. Personal growth and change may be easy and swift at times while slow or frustrating at other times. You may also at times feel conflicted about attending sessions. If this is the case, I urge you to bring up your concerns so that we can address them. The process of therapy may sometimes result in unanticipated outcomes, such as changes in personal or career relationships and goals. Please be aware that any decisions about your relationships, personal life, or work life are your responsibility. Confidentiality: Psychotherapy is designed to be a safe place for you to talk about any personal issues you choose to explore. Please know that whatever we discuss in psychotherapy is legally held as private and is generally confidential. This means that I will not divulge anything you tell me to anyone except under one of the following conditions: You give me your written permission to talk to another, such as a health care professional who is providing you treatment, and/or to provide your health records to another; You tell me something that I am legally required to reveal to others in order to protect you and/or another person; or I am otherwise legally required to divulge the information and/or health records. For example, I have a duty to report any suspected cases of child abuse and/or neglect to the Virginia Child Protective Services and to report any suspected cases of the abuse, neglect, and/or exploitation of an adult to Virginia Adult Protective Services. I also have a duty to report when there is a reasonable suspicion that a client poses a threat to herself/himself or to others. Additionally, if you become involved in a lawsuit, especially a lawsuit in which you or your spouse are seeking a divorce or in which the care and custody of your children is at issue, I may have to disclose information and/or health records pertaining to you. Unless you give me written consent to release any requested information or health records, I will only disclose such information or health records in accordance with a lawful Subpoena duces tecum or Witness Subpoena. Further, a federal law known as The Patriot Act (2001) requires therapists and others in certain circumstances to provide the FBI with client records and other items, and can prohibit the therapist from disclosing to the client that the FBI sought or obtained the items under the Act. If you are seeing me for couple’s or family therapy, I consider your relationship to be the client. During the course of our work, I may see one of you individually for one or more sessions or for part of a session. All sessions should be seen as part of the work that I am doing with the couple or the family unless otherwise indicated. Finally, from time to time I consult with other licensed, experienced therapists on how I can better help my client. These consultants are bound by the same laws of confidentiality outlined here. However, when this is done, no personal identifiers such as names are used. Fees and cancellation policy: Therapy sessions are normally 50 minutes long. Fees are payable each session by check, cash, or credit card (MasterCard/Visa). Longer sessions are pro-rated at the per hour rate. When we schedule an appointment, that time is reserved entirely for you. Therefore, if you need to cancel an appointment, please let me know at least 24 hours in advance; otherwise, I will have to charge you for the missed session since I will not be able to fill the appointment time on short notice. Also, there is no charge for brief phone calls (up to five minutes), but longer phone sessions with you or with any professionals or others you ask me to speak with on your behalf are subject to a charge based on the length of the call. . If you become involved in a lawsuit and you request or require me to testify on your behalf, or I am required to respond to requests for information and/or health records, you will be charged for my time. It is not my preference to become involved with any legal actions involving my client. Therapist availability and emergency procedures: You can leave messages for me at any time. I normally return phone calls within 1 business day. In a life-threatening emergency, always call 911 immediately. Completion of Therapy: The length of your therapy depends on the specifics of your situation and the progress we achieve. As we approach the completion of your goals, I will discuss with you a plan for ending therapy. If during therapy you come to feel that the issues for which you are seeking therapy are not being satisfactorily addressed and you wish to see another therapist, I will offer you referrals to other therapists to assist in a smooth transition if you desire. If it becomes clear to me that you are not benefiting from our work together, I am ethically bound to stop treating you, and I will provide you with referrals to other sources for therapy. You may discontinue therapy at any time. Should you choose to end your therapy, I will generally recommend that we meet for at least one final visit to facilitate a positive termination experience and give us an opportunity to reflect on the work that has been done. If you have any questions about the above, please ask me. Otherwise, please sign below. By signing, you acknowledge that you have reviewed this document and fully understand everything in it, you have had any questions with regard to this document answered by me and you consent to participate in psychotherapy with me. Note: If you have printed out this form and are faxing it back or scanning it and emailing it back, please sign your name on the first line below. If you are filling out this form on an electronic device, please type your name in both the “sign name” and “print name” lines. Doing so will serve as your electronic signature to indicate that you understand and agree to the above. Sign Name: * Print Name: Home phone: Work phone: Cell phone: * Email: Address: Today’s date: Your birthday: reCAPTCHA Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. X Couple Informed Consent Form Carlos Durana, Ph.D., M.Ac. 4915 St. Elmo Ave., Suite 504 - Room 7C Bethesda, MD 20814 301-654-0800 2265 Cedar Cove Court Reston, VA 20191 703-408-4965 703-620-0420 (FAX) COUPLES THERAPY INFORMED CONSENT FORM We understand that couple’s therapy begins with an evaluation of our relationship, past and present. While Dr. Durana is deciding whether he is the appropriate therapist for us, we will decide whether we wish to begin couple’s therapy with him. We understand that because of the commitment of time and money, plus the potential impact on us and others (see below), it is important to make an informed choice for a couple’s therapist. We have read and understood the potential limits of confidentiality, including those imposed by Dr. Durana’s policies and by state law, and we have received a copy to keep. I understand that it is Dr. Durana’s role to provide therapeutic services so that we might feel better and/or improve our functioning, especially as it relates to our family. Dr. Durana’s role is not intended to gather information for the courts or to make judgments related to our family. Therefore, we each agree that we will not call upon Dr. Durana to provide treatment records or to testify in a future divorce or custody action. We understand that courts can appoint professionals who have had no prior contact with our family to conduct independent evaluations and make recommendations to the court. We understand that it is Dr. Durana’s policy to have no court involvement in a case in which he provides couple’s counseling because doing so could harm our professional relationship and the ability to achieve our goals. Our goals include resolving personal concerns so that we might preserve our marriage and/or be better parents. Since we need to speak freely in order for our sessions to be effective, we agree never to ask Dr. Durana to testify or have his records of our treatment disclosed in the context of a court proceeding. By signing this form, we both agree not to seek to use any of Dr. Duran’s therapeutic intervention records or seek his testimony in any future court proceedings. We understand all policies as described on the PATIENT INFORMATION sheet and accept them as conditions for entering into couple’s therapy with Dr. Durana. We have been given the opportunity to ask questions and discuss confidentiality and disclosure policies with Dr. Durana. We understand that while working as a couple anything either of us might say to Dr. Durana individually, whether by phone or in an individual session, will be held confidential and will not be shared with our spouse/partner without the individual’s consent. We agree to share responsibility with Dr. Durana for the therapy process, including goal setting and the termination of therapy. By signing this form, we acknowledge that we both understand that working toward change may involve experiencing difficult and intense feelings, some of which may be painful, in order to reach therapy goals. We understand that the changes one or both of us make may have an impact on our partner and on others around us. We accept that such changes can have both positive and negative effects and agree to clarify and evaluate the potential effects of changes before undertaking them. Dr. Durana has further explained that his therapeutic focus in couple’s therapy is on preserving and enhancing the relationship rather than a focus on individual happiness. If remaining together is harmful to one or both partners, the focus will be on facilitating an amicable separation. By signing below, we agree to accept mental health services from Dr. Durana and accept full responsibility for payment for such services. Patient Name * Patient Name: Phone * Date: Email reCAPTCHA Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. X Adolescent Informed Consent Form Carlos Durana, Ph.D., M.Ac. 4915 St. Elmo Ave., Suite 504 - Room 7C Bethesda, MD 20814 301-654-0800 2265 Cedar Cove Court Reston, VA 20191 703-408-4965 703-620-0420 (FAX) ADOLESCENT INFORMED CONSENT FORM What to expect: The purpose of meeting with a counselor or therapist is to get help with problems in your life that are bothering you or that are keeping you from being successful in important areas of your life. You may be here because you wanted to talk to a counselor or therapist about these problems. Or, you may be here because your parent, guardian, doctor or teacher had concerns about you. When we meet, we will discuss these problems. I will ask questions, listen to you and suggest a plan for improving these problems. It is important that you feel comfortable talking to me about the issues that are bothering you. Sometimes these issues will include things you don’t want your parents or guardians to know about. For most people, knowing that what they say will be kept private helps them feel more comfortable and have more trust in their counselor or therapist. Privacy, also called confidentiality, is an important and necessary part of good counseling. As a general rule, I will keep the information you share with me in our sessions confidential, unless I have your written consent to disclose certain information. There are, however, important exceptions to this rule that are important for you to understand before you share personal information with me in a therapy session. In some situations, I am required by law or by the guidelines of my profession to disclose information whether or not I have your permission. I have listed these situations below. Confidentiality cannot be maintained when: You tell me you plan to cause serious harm or death to yourself, and I believe you have the intent and ability to carry out a threat in the very near future. I must take steps to inform a parent or guardian of what you have told me and how serious I believe this threat to be. I must make sure that you are protected from harming yourself. You tell me you plan to cause serious harm or death to someone else who can be identified, and I believe you have the intent and ability to carry out this threat in the very near future. In this situation, I must inform your parent or guardian, and I must inform the person who you intend to harm. You are doing things that could cause serious harm to you or someone else, even if you do not intend to harm yourself or another person. In these situations, I will need to use my professional judgment to decide whether a parent or guardian should be informed. You tell me you are being abused-physically, sexually or emotionally – or that you have been abused in the past. In this situation, I am required by law to report the abuse to the Department of Social Services. You are involved in a court case and a request is made for information about your counseling or therapy. If this happens, I will not disclose information without your written agreement unless the court requires me to. I will do all I can within the law to protect your confidentiality, and if I am required to disclose information to the court, I will inform you that this is happening. Communicating with your parent(s) or guardian(s): Except for situations such as those mentioned above, I will not tell your parent or guardian specific things you share with me in our private therapy sessions. This includes activities and behavior that your parent or guardian would not approve of – or would be upset by – but that do not put you at risk of serious and immediate harm. However, if your risk-taking behavior becomes more serious, then I will need to use my professional judgment to decide whether you are in serious and immediate danger of being harmed. If I feel that you are in such danger, I will communicate this information to your parent or guardian. Example: If you tell me that you tried alcohol at a few parties, I would keep this information confidential. If you tell me that you are drinking and driving or that you are a passenger in a car with a driver who is drunk, I would not keep this information confidential from your parent or guardian. If you tell me, or if I believe based on things you’ve told me, that you are addicted to alcohol, I would not keep this information confidential. Example: if you tell me that you are having protected sex with a boyfriend or girlfriend, I would keep this information confidential. If you tell me that, on several occasions, you have engaged in unprotected sex with people you do not know or in unsafe situations, I will not keep this information confidential. You can always ask me questions about the types of information I would disclose. You can ask in the form of “hypothetical questions,” in other words: “if someone told you that they were doing , would you tell their parents?” Even if I have agreed to keep information confidential – to not tell your parent or guardian – I may believe that it is important for them to know what is going on in your life. In these situations, I will encourage you to tell your parent or guardian and I will help you find the best way to tell them. Also, when meeting with your parent or guardian, I may sometimes describe problems in general terms, without using specifics, in order to help them know how to be more helpful to you. [You should also know that, by law in Virginia, your parent or guardian has the right to see any written records I keep about our sessions. It is extremely rare that a parent or guardian would ever request to look at these records.] Communicating with other adults: School: I will not share any information with your school unless I have your permission and permission from your parent or guardian. Sometimes I may request to speak to someone at your school to find out how things are going for you. Also, it may be helpful in some situations for me to give suggestions to your teacher or counselor at school. If I want to contact your school, or if someone at your school wants to contact me, I will discuss it with you and ask for your written permission. A very unlikely situation might come up in which I do not have your permission but both I and your parent or guardian believe that it is very important for me to be able to share certain information with someone at your school. In this situation, I will use my professional judgment to decide whether to share any information. Doctors: Sometimes your doctor and I may need to work together; for example, if you need to take medication in addition to seeing a counselor or therapist. I will get your written permission and permission from your parent or guardian in advance to share information with your doctor. The only time I will share information with your doctor even if I don’t have your permission is if you are doing something that puts you at risk for serious and immediate physical/medical harm. Adolescent therapy client: Signing below indicates that you have reviewed the policies described above and understand the limits to confidentiality. If you have any questions as we progress with therapy, you can ask your therapist at any time. Minor’s signature Date Parent/Guardian: Check boxes and sign below indicating your agreement to respect your adolescent’s privacy: /_/ I will refrain from requesting detailed information about individual therapy sessions with my child. I understand that I will be provided with periodic updates about general progress, and/or may be asked to participate in therapy sessions as needed. /_/ Although I have the legal right to request written records/session notes since my child is a minor, I agree NOT to request these periodic records in order to respect the confidentiality of my adolescent’s treatment. /_/ I understand that I will be informed about situations that could endanger my child. I know this decision to breach confidentiality in these circumstances is up to the therapist’s professional judgment and may sometimes be made in confidential consultation with her consultant/supervisor. Name: * Phone: * Email Parent/Guardian signature: Date: reCAPTCHA Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. X Coaching Agreement Carlos Durana, Ph.D., M.Ac. 4915 St. Elmo Ave., Suite 504 - Room 7C Bethesda, MD 20814 301-654-0800 2265 Cedar Cove Court Reston, VA 20191 703-408-4965 703-620-0420 (FAX) COACHING AGREEMENT This agreement is made between Carlos Durana (“COACH”) and (“CLIENT”). Please read this carefully and indicate your agreement by signing at the bottom of the page. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Coaching Guidelines and Commitment Coach has positive expectations for a coaching relationship that helps Client create the life he/she wants to live. The opportunity for Client’s success increases considerably because of Client’s and Coach’s relationship and the commitment involved from the two. Coaching is a structure that facilitates the process of personal and professional development. Coaching may address life balance and quality of life, health and wellbeing, personal projects or job performance satisfaction. Client and Coach agree that the coaching relationship will be designed together. Coaching is for persons who are psychologically healthy and who want to make changes to empower themselves. Coaching is not counseling or therapy. Client and Coach acknowledge that Client wants to make progress and change in his/her life. Coaching is a process. Many people create change for themselves in a short time. However, to refine and sustain change takes several months. Progress and change are specific to each individual. Although not binding, Client and Coach commit to working together for an initial three-month period. This allows the necessary time to develop objectives and progress through obstacles and successes. If the coaching is not working as Client wishes, Client should inform Coach immediately so that steps can be taken to correct any problems. Coaching Session Guidelines Coaching sessions are conducted in person or by telephone, unless otherwise arranged. After the initial three-month period, coaching sessions are arranged as needed. Sessions are started and concluded on time. If Client is late for a session, the time will not be extended after the allocated time. Fees are paid at the time of the appointment. For telephone sessions, Client will pay for telephone charges. To reschedule a session, please allow at least 24 hours’ notice, or the session fee will be charged. Coach wants to have a coaching relationship that is honest, direct, open and trusting. Telephone or email communication may pose extra challenges since we cannot see facial expressions, body language, etc. Therefore, Client and Coach each agree to promptly ask for clarification if there is a misunderstanding and we are using either of these methods of communication. In between coaching sessions, Client may feel free to email or call Coach. Calls made between the scheduled calls are permissible. Coach will conduct calls of five minutes or less free of charge, but Client will be charged accordingly for longer calls. There is no commitment beyond month to month, but Client is asked to give Coach a week’s notice if he/she thinks he/she will be ending our Coaching together. Confidentiality The coaching relationship is built on trust. Coach agrees to keep all information and conversations with Client private and confidential. No personal information expressed by Client will be shared with anyone except with the written permission of Client or by a court order. Confidentiality is followed to the fullest extent of the law and so long as Coach does not fear for Client’s or another’s safety. Coach Agreement Coach cannot guarantee results. Client’s intentions, choices, courage and determination to take actions in his/her life will create the results Client desires. Coach will fully collaborate with Client to identify and achieve Client’s personal and professional goals. If issues come up for Client that should be handled by a physician, therapist or other health professional, Coach will recommend that Client attend to his/her health by contacting the appropriate professional. Coach will bring support, understanding, and a belief in Client and Client’s commitment to his/her own success. Part of Coach’s job is to challenge Client, offer different perspectives, make suggestions (including assigning homework) and acknowledge Client’s successes. Client Agreement Client is committed and motivated to take action on his/her personal and professional goals. Client acknowledges that only his/her intentional full participation will lead to success. Client realizes that the process of change can involve feelings of discomfort and frustration. Client accepts full responsibility for himself/herself and the actions he/she takes that might result from coaching. Client acknowledges that he/she is healthy enough to engage in coaching. Client has read the Coaching Agreement and agrees with its terms. Signature: Name: * Address: Telephone: * Email: Date: Coach has read the Coaching Agreement and agrees with its terms. reCAPTCHA Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. X Life History Questionnaire Carlos Durana, Ph.D., M.Ac. 4915 St. Elmo Ave., Suite 504 - Room 7C Bethesda, MD 20814 301-654-0800 2265 Cedar Cove Court Reston, VA 20191 703-408-4965 703-620-0420 (FAX) LIFE HISTORY QUESTIONNAIRE Purpleose: The purpose of this questionnaire is to get a complete picture of your life history and family background. In therapy, we are concerned with issues that impact on you, your relationships, and your family from many sources. Among those sources are (a) your family of origin, that is your parents and grandparents; (b) your physical health; (c) your life history; and (d) things that are influencing you right now. By asking you about these things in questionnaire form, we can save a great deal of valuable therapy interview time. Therefore, answering these routine questions as fully and as accurately as you can will make it possible for us to get to work on the things that concern you much more quickly. All case records are strictly confidential. NO OUTSIDER IS PERMITTED TO SEE YOUR CASE RECORD WITHOUT YOUR PERMISSION IN WRITING. If you have any questions about this questionnaire, please feel free to ask at any time. If you do not wish to answer a question, you may write “I do not wish to answer.” How did you hear about Dr. Durana? (circle those that apply) Referral Web Google Listing Other Date: General Information: Name: * Phone * Age: Partner’s Name: Age: Children’s Names: Sex: Age: Children's Name: Sex: Age: Children's Name: Sex: Age: Address: Telephone Numbers (Days) Telephone Number (Evenings) Email Address: Your Occupation: Partner’s Occupation: Current Relationship Status (check one) Single Engaged Married Separated Divorced Widowed Remarried: Yes No How many times? What is/are the issue(s) or problem(s)? Please describe: On the scale below, please indicate how upsetting your problem(s) is/are right now: mildly upsetting Moderately Upsetting Very Upsetting Extremely Upsetting Totally Upsetting When did your problem(s) begin (describe and give dates)? ParagraphPlease describe any important event occurring at that time or since then that may have started the problem(s) or which keep them going: What do you believe causes or contributes to the maintenance of your problem(s), for example, stresses, emotional reactions, diet, etc.? What solutions to your problems have you found helpful? Have you received any prior professional assistance for your problem? If so, give name(s), professional title(s), date(s) of treatment(s), and results: Family of Origin History: Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Siblings: Number of brothers: Brothers’ ages: Number of sisters: Sisters’ ages: Father: Living? If alive, give father’s age: Deceased? If deceased, give father’s age at time of death: How old were you at the time? Cause of death: Occupation: Health: Text Does or did your mother have (check all that apply): Drinking problem Drug problem Depression Depression with highs and lows Mental Illness Did or does any other member of your family have problems with (check all that apply): Drugs Alcohol Depression Diabetes Mental Illness Epilepsy If so, state who: Your religion: As a child: As an adult: Your education: What is the last grade completed? Do you have a degree? Please list: Check any of the following that applied during your childhood or adolescence: Happy Childhood Unhappy Childhood Emotional Problems Drug Abuse Eating Disorder School Problems Family Problems Behavior Problems Physical Abuse Medical Problems Alcohol Abuse Sexual Abuse Legal Trouble Other Problems: Other Problems: If you were not brought up by your parents, who raised you and between what years? Give a description of your father’s (or father substitute’s) personality and his methods of discipline (past and present): How did your father show affection, and how often did he share affection with you? With others in the family? (past and present): Give a description of your mother’s (or mother substitute’s) personality and her methods of discipline (past and present): How did your mother show affection, and how often did she share affection with you? With others in the family? (past and present): What specific methods did your father (or father substitute) use to control you and other members of the family? What specific methods did your mother (or mother substitute) use to control you and other members of the family? What did your father do to control the expression of affection in the family? What did your mother do to control the expression of affection in the family? What were the prevailing emotional overtones in your family when you were growing up? Has any relative attempted or committed suicide? Yes No Has any relative had serious problems with the law? Yes No By entering my name, this is my electronic signature for consent. Your Personal History: What is your height? (ft) (inches) What is your weight? (Pounds) Do you now have or have you ever had (check all that apply): High blood pressure Epilepsy Alcohol problems Drug problem Unusual physical problems Strange or unusual sensations Other Illnesses Have you ever been hospitalized for psychological problems? Yes No If Yes, when and where? Do you have a family physician? Yes No If so, please give his/her name and telephone number: Have you ever attempted suicide? Yes No What is your current health: What kinds of jobs have you held in the past? What sort of work are you doing now? Does your present work satisfy you? Yes No If no, please explain: What is your annual family income? $ How much does it cost you to live? $ What were your past ambitions? What were your current ambitions? Check any of the following behaviors that apply to you: Overeat Insomnia Concentration difficulties Take drugs Lazy Withdrawal Odd behavior Aggressive behavio Sleep disturbance Smoke Loss of control Can’t keep a job Crying Procrastination Take too many risks Vomiting Drink too much Eating problems Phobic avoidance Work too hard Impulsive behaviors Nervous tic Suicidal attempts Outbursts of temper Compulsion What kinds of hobbies or leisure activities do you enjoy or find relaxing? Menstrual History: Age at first period: Were you informed or did it come as a shock? Are your periods regular? Yes No Do you have pain? Yes No Does your period affect your mood? Yes No Your Current Family/Your Family of Procreation Relationship: How long have you known your partner? If married, how long did you know your partner before your engagement? How long were you engaged? How long have you been married? Sexual Relationships: Describe your parents’ attitude toward sex: Was sex discussed in your home? Yes No When and how did you derive your first sexual knowledge? When did you first become aware of your own sexual impulses? Have you ever experienced any anxiety or guilty feelings arising out of sex or masturbation? Yes No If yes, please explain: Any relevant details regarding your first or subsequent sexual experiences? Is your present sex life satisfactory? Yes No If not, please explain: Provide information about any significant homosexual reactions or relationships: Please note any sexual concerns not discussed above: Children and Family: Give a description of your methods of discipline (past and present): How do you show affection, and how often do you share affection with your partner? With others in the family? (past and present): Give a description of your partner’s methods of discipline (past and present): How does your partner show affection, and how often does he/she share affection with you? With others in the family? (past and present): What specific methods do you use to control other members of the family? What specific methods does your partner use to control you and other members of the family? What do you do to control the expression of affection in the family? What does your partner do to control the expression of affection in the family? What are the prevailing emotional overtones in your family? Do any of your children present special problems? Stress: Check any of the following which apply and indicate the family member involved such as partner, child, father, mother, brother, sister, yourself and so on: Event Family Member(s) Involved Death in the family Divorce Trouble with the law Financial trouble Job/School Serious illness Serious operation Mental illness Alcohol Drugs Interpersonal problems Sexual abuse Depression Physical abuse Suicide Other: Systems Outside of Your Family: How do you get along with your in-laws, including brothers and sisters-in-law? Have your parents, brothers, or sisters ever interfered in your relationship? Are you having any trouble on the job or in school? Have your parents, relatives or friends interfered in your job or school? Has your Bishop, Priest or Clergy made a special effort to talk to you about your behavior or the behavior of a member of your family? Yes No Have the police or other social agencies interfered in your family? Yes No Have there been any other outside disturbances to your family? Yes No Friendships: Do you make friends easily? Yes No Do you keep them? Yes No Rate the degree to which you generally feel comfortable and relaxed in social situations: Very relaxed Relatively comfortable Relatively uncomfortable (crowds) Very anxious Expectations regarding therapy: In a few words, what do you think therapy is all about? How long do you think therapy should last? How do you think a therapist should interact with his/her clients? What personal qualities do you think the ideal therapist should possess? reCAPTCHA Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. X INTAKE FORM – I Carlos Durana, Ph.D., M.Ac. 4915 St. Elmo Ave., Suite 504 - Room 7C Bethesda, MD 20814 301-654-0800 2265 Cedar Cove Court Reston, VA 20191 703-408-4965 703-620-0420 (FAX) INTAKE FORM - I New Client Intake Form (Please print or write clearly) Name * Home Phone * Date Email Address Cell Phone City State ZIP Work Phone Occupation Birthdate Age Sex Height Weight Referred by In case of emergency notify Relationship Their Home Phone Work Phone Cell Phone Physician Physician’s Phone Physician Address Street City State ZIP Reason for today’s visit? How long have you had this condition? Have you had it in the past? If “yes” in the past, describe when What makes it better? What makes it worse? Is your condition… getting worse getting better constant comes and goes If applicable, click a number to indicate your level of difficulty. Minimal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Extreme If you have a diagnosis, what is it? Diagnosing physician Are any other practitioners treating this condition? Y / N Yes No Are you under the care of another physician for any other problems? (List problem and physician) What kinds of treatments have you tried? What was occurring in your life when your difficulties began? Please describe any important events occurring at that time or since then that may have started the difficulties of that contribute to them Please list all medications, hormones, laxatives, herbs, homeopathics and supplements you are taking and for what reason Please list allergies to any medications Medical History Date of your last physical exam By whom? List surgeries and dates Significant accidents, hospitalizations and traumas with dates: Do you or have you ever had (circle and mark year): AIDS, ARC or HIV Kidney or bladder trouble Cancer Dyslexia Thyroid problems Hepatitis IDADHD Hemophilia Liver disease Sexually transmitted disease Rheumatic fever Ulcer Epilepsy Polio Depression Gallstones Scarlet fever Anxiety Sudden weight loss Neuralgia Emphysema Blood transfusions Hemorrhoids Pneumonia Mononucleosis Malaria Eczema Arthritis Yellow jaundice Hives/rashes High blood pressure German measles Bronchitis High cholesterol Pancreatitis Diverticulosis Heart trouble Tuberculosis Have you ever taken adrenal corticosteroids (cortisone, prednisone, etc.)? Y / N Yes No How long How many courses of antibiotics have you had? Do you have silver amalgam fillings? Unusual birth history (prolonged labor, forceps delivery, C-section, etc.)? Please list accidents/surgeries and location of scars What inoculations have you had? Tetanus (lockjaw) Smallpox Diphtheria Poliomyelitis Pertussis (whooping cough) Rubella (German measles) Flu Other What inoculations have you had in the last year? Where have you traveled outside this country? *** Please click all that apply and list year when occurred *** Family Medical History Alcoholism Anemia Liver disease Allergies Diabetes Stomach ulcers Arthritis Epilepsy Lung disease Gout Heart disease Psychological problems Asthma Glaucoma Stroke Cancer/tumors High blood pressure Genetic diseases New Option Coronary artery disease Kidney disease Musculoskeletal Neck pain/stiffness Mid back pain/stiffness Leg or calf cramping Shoulder blade pain Low back pain/stiffness Ankle pain/stiffness Shoulder joint pain/stiffness Sacroiliac pain/stiffness Numbness or tingling in feet Upper arm pain/stiffness Hip joint pain/stiffness Foot or toe pain/stiffness Elbow pain/stiffness Elbow pain/stiffness Foot or toe pain/stiffness Elbow pain/stiffness Elbow pain/stiffness Weak ankles Wrist pain/stiffness Pain into calf or lower leg Muscle spasm Hand or finger pain/stiffness Weak legs Muscle weakness Numbness or tingling in hands Knee pain/stiffness Paralysis Upper back pain/stiffness Weak knees Stiff all over Is the problem helped by pressure heat cold other Is the problem aggravated by pressure heat cold other Gastrointestinal Constipation Hemorrhoids Gurgling noise in stomach Bowel movements feel incomplete Diverticulitis Excessive appetite Frequent laxative use Parasites Poor appetite Diarrhea Abdominal bloating Excessive thirst Loose stools Gas (flatulence) Nausea Erratic bowel movements Mucous in stool Vomiting Foul smelling stools Hiatal hernia Bloated Undigested food in stool Lower abdominal pain/cramping Belching Gained/lost more than 10 pounds Upper abdominal pain/cramping Ulcer Blood in stool Stomach acidity Difficulty swallowing Black stool Black stool How often do you have a bowel movement? Cardiovascular High blood pressure Coronary heart disease Edema Low blood pressure High cholesterol Swelling of hands Blackouts or fainting Stroke Swelling of feet Irregular heartbeat Blood clot Cold hands Heart valve problem/murmur Phlebitis Cold feet Rapid heartbeat/palpitations Leg cramps Hot palms Dizzy spells Varicose veins Hot feet or soles Shortness of breath Bruise easily Generally too hot Angina or chest pain Anemia Generally too cold Skin and Hair Rashes Herpes Zoster (shingles) Moist feet Hives Boils Moist palms Pimples or acne Fungus on skin Burning skin Ulcerations or sores Fungus under nails Eczema Recent moles Weak or brittle nails Psoriasis Recent change in mole Loss of hair Bruise easily Warts Dandruff Bleed easily Dry skin Any numb areas? Where? Eyes Nearsighted (myopia) Night blindness Watery eyes Farsighted (hyperopia) Sensitivity to light Itchy eyes Astigmatism Blurred vision Red eyes Glaucoma Floating spots Conjunctivitis Cataracts Pressure behind eyes Use eyeglasses or contacts See halo Eye pain Blindness See double Dry eyes Eye infections Sleep Difficulty falling asleep, wired Wake at night—mind empty, eyes open Need to take naps Shallow sleep Snoring Sleep too much Dream disturbed sleep Wake up unrefreshed Sleep too little Nightmares Sleepy in the afternoon Sleep on a waterbed Wake at night—thinking Difficulty waking in the a.m. Sleep with an electric blanket How many hours do you sleep in a 24-hour period? Urinary and Genital Scanty or small amount of urine Pain or burning when urinating Sores on genitals Dark urine Flow does not stop quickly Pain during intercourse Strong smelling urine Dribbling Low sexual energy Cloudy urine Bed wetting Excessive sexual energy Profuse of large amount of urine Pain in bladder area Inability to maintain erection Clear urine Blood in urine Inability to achieve orgasm Unable to hold urine Bladder infection Prostate problems Urgency to urinate Kidney infection Ejaculation during sleep Frequent urination Kidney stones Premature ejaculation Difficulty urinating Lumps on testicles Low sperm count Decreased flow of urine Painful testicles How often do you urinate in 24 hours? How often do you wake to urinate at night? Any other problems with your urinary system? Pregnancy and Gynecology Number of pregnancies Light flow Uterine fibroids Number of births Ovarian cysts Light colored/pale blood Premature births Painful periods Breast cysts or lumps Miscarriages Endometriosis Pelvic inflammatory disease Abortions Cramping before period starts Current use of birth control pills Difficult deliveries Cramping after period starts Previous use of birth control pills Caesarean sections Low backache with period Currently have an IUD Age of children Spotting between periods Previously had an IUD Age at first menses Missed periods Other birth control: Starting date of last menses Premenstrual irritability Cannot maintain pregnancy Duration of flow Premenstrual emotional sensitivity Trying to become pregnant Length of cycle Premenstrual breast tenderness Infertility Age at start of menopause Premenstrual bloating Pregnant Age menses stopped Premenstrual fluid retention Nursing Have not yet begun menstruating Premenstrual headache Nausea or morning sickness Hysterectomy Reason for: Premenstrual constipation Clots dark purple dark brown red Oophorectomy Reason for: Premenstrual diarrhea Vaginal discharge no odor strong odor, brownish white/curd-like frothy & profuse itchy burning Irregular flow Hot flashes Heavy flow Abnormal pap Any other pregnancy or gynecological problems? Date of last pap test Respiratory Chronic cough Yellowish phlegm Wheezing Dry cough Blood in phlegm Frequent chest colds Tight, rattling cough Bronchitis Asthma, worse on exhaling Loose cough Pneumonia Asthma, more difficult to inhale Thick, stick phlegm Pain with deep breath Asthma, more difficult to exhale Thin, watery phlegm Shortness of breath Clear or water phlegm Emphysema Head, Ears, Nose, Mouth, Throat and Neurological Frequent colds Numbness Decreased sense of smell Sinus congestion or pain Changes in handwriting Dry mouth Facial pain Headache Excessive saliva or drooling Jaw tension or clicking (TMJ) Migraine headache Taste in mouth Grinding teeth Congestion in ears Taste changes Frequent dental cavities Earache Sores on tongue Gum problems Ringing in ears Sores in mouth (canker) Bleeding gums Difficulty hearing Sores of lips (fever blister) Dentures Motion sickness Difficulty swallowing Dizziness or loss of balance Deafness Lump or pit in throat Convulsions Nasal congestion Sore throat Trembles Runny nose Strep throat Concussion Nose bleeds Swollen lymph nodes Seizures Sneezing Tonsillitis Faintness Allergies General Head or chest cold Jaundice Recent weight loss Flu Armpits or groin swellings Recent weight gain Recurrent fever Anemia Often thirsty Chills Always fatigued Seldom thirsty Night sweats Fatigued easily Alcohol use Perspire easily w/o exertion Sudden drop in energy Smoking Rarely perspire Recreational or hard drugs Emotional Depression Mood swings Frequent crying Suicidal feelings Manic episodes Anxiety or fear Frequent anger or irritation Sadness or grief Indecisiveness Tendency to repress emotions Obsessiveness or compulsiveness Difficulty handling stress Lonely Loses temper easily Difficulty relaxing Frightening dreams or thoughts Lack of concentration or memory Shy or sensitive Sexual difficulties Worry a lot Desired psychiatric help Have you ever been emotionally, physically or sexually abused? Have you ever been treated for emotional problems? Have you recently had any unusually stressful experiences (divorce, death of a loved one, bankruptcy, loss of a job, illness, injury, etc.)? Describe. Is there constant stress in your life, at work, with your family, etc. Any other emotional problems? reCAPTCHA By entering my name, this is my electronic signature for consent. Submit If you are human, leave this field blank. X INTAKE FORM – II Carlos Durana, Ph.D., MA, 4933 Auburn Ave., Suite 208, Bethesda, MD 20814 301-654-0080 2265 Cedar Cove Court, Reston, VA 20191 703-716-0906 New Client Intake Form (Please print or write clearly) Name * Home Phone * Date Email Address Phone City State ZIP Work Phone Occupation Birthdate Age Sex Height Weight Referred by In case of emergency notify Relationship Their Home Phone Work Phone Cell Phone Physician Physician’s Phone Physician Address Street City State ZIP Reason for today’s visit? How long have you had this condition? Have you had it in the past? If “yes” in the past, describe when What makes it better? What makes it worse? getting worse getting better constant comes and goes If applicable, circle a number to indicate your level of difficulty. Minimal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Extreme If you have a diagnosis, what is it? Diagnosing physician Are any other practitioners treating this condition? Yes No Are you under the care of another physician for any other problems? (List problem and physician) What kinds of treatments have you tried? What was occurring in your life when your difficulties began? Please describe any important events occurring at that time or since then that may have started the difficulties of that contribute to them Please list all medications, hormones, laxatives, herbs, homeopathics and supplements you are taking and for what reason Please list allergies to any medications Medical History Date of your last physical exam By whom? List surgeries and dates Significant accidents, hospitalizations and traumas with dates: Do you or have you ever had (circle and mark year): AIDS, ARC or HIV Kidney or bladder troubl Cancer Dyslexia Thyroid problems Hepatitis IDADHD Hemophilia Liver disease Sexually transmitted disease Rheumatic fever Scarlet Fever Epilepsy Polio Ulcer Gallstones Scarlet fever Depression Sudden weight loss Neuralgia Anxiety Blood transfusions Hemorrhoids Emphysema Mononucleosis Malaria Pneumonia Arthritis Yellow jaundice Eczema High blood pressure German measles Hives/rashes High cholesterol Pancreatitis Bronchitis Heart trouble Tuberculosis Diverticulosis Have you ever taken adrenal corticosteroids (cortisone, prednisone, etc.)? Y / N Yes No How long How many courses of antibiotics have you had? Do you have silver amalgam fillings? Unusual birth history (prolonged labor, forceps delivery, C-section, etc.)? Please list accidents/surgeries and location of scars What inoculations have you had? Tetanus (lockjaw) Smallpox Diphtheria Poliomyelitis Pertussis (whooping cough) Rubella (German measles) Flu Other What inoculations have you had in the last year? Where have you traveled outside this country? *** Please circle all that apply and list year when occurred*** Family Medical History Alcoholism Anemia Stomach/ulcers Allergies/asthma Diabetes Lung disease Arthritis Epilepsy Psychological Gout Heart disease problems Asthma Glaucoma Stroke Cancer/tumors High blood pressure Genetic diseases Coronary artery Kidney disease disease Liver disease Musculoskeletal Neck pain/stiffness Mid back pain/stiffness Ankle pain/stiffness Shoulder blade pain Low back pain/stiffness Weak ankles Shoulder joint Sacroiliac pain/stiffness Foot or toe pain/stiffness Hip joint pain/stiffness pain/stiffness Upper arm pain/stiffness Pain into thigh or upper Numbness or tingling in Elbow pain/stiffness leg feet Wrist pain/stiffness Pain into calf or lower Muscle spasm Hand or finger leg Muscle weakness pain/stiffness Weak legs Paralysis Numbness or tingling in hands Knee pain/stiffness Stiff all over Upper back pain/stiffnes Weak knees Leg or calf cramping Is the problem helped by pressure heat cold other Is the problem aggravated by pressure heat cold other Gastrointestinal Constipation Hard stools Frequent laxative use Erratic bowel movements Bowel movements feel incomplete Diarrhea Loose stools Fowl smelling stools Undigested food in stool Gained/lost more than 10 pounds Mucous in stool Poor appetite Blood in stool Hiatal hernia Excessive thirst Black stool Lower abdominal pain/cramping Nausea Hemorrhoids Upper abdominal pain/cramping Vomiting Colitis Stomach acidity Bloated Diverticulitis Indigestion Belching Parasites Gurgling noise in stomach Ulcer Abdominal bloating Bad breath Gas (flatulence) Excessive appetite swallowing Excessive appetite How often do you have a bowel movement? Cardiovascular High blood pressure Angina or chest pain Anemia Low blood pressure Coronary heart Edema Blackouts or fainting disease Swelling of hands Irregular heartbeat High cholesterol Swelling of feet Heart valve Stroke Cold hands problem/murmur Blood clot Cold feet Rapid Phlebitis Hot hands of palms heartbeat/palpitations Leg cramps Hot feet or soles Dizzy spells Varicose veins Generally too hot Shortness of breath Bruise easily Generally too cold New Option New Option Skin and Hair Rashes Herpes Zoster (shingles) Dry skin Hives Boils Moist feet Itching Pimples or acne Moist palms Burning skin Ulcerations or sores Fungus on skin Eczema Recent moles Fungus under nails Psoriasis Recent change in Weak or brittle Bruise easily mole Warts Loss of hair Bleed easily Dandruff Any numb areas? Where? Eyes Nearsighted (myopia) Glaucoma Night blindness Farsighted (hyperopia) Cataracts Sensitivity to light Astigmatism See halo Blurred vision Pressure behind eyes See double Floating spots Eye pain Itchy eyes Use eyeglasses or contacts Dry eyes Conjunctivitis Blindness Watery eyes Eye infections Sleep Difficulty falling asleep, wired Wake at night—mind empty, Sleepy in afternoon Shallow sleep eyes open Need to take naps Dream disturbed sleep Snoring Sleep too little Nightmares Difficulty waking in a.m. Sleep on a waterbed Wake at night—thinking Wake up unrefreshed Sleep with an electric blanket New Option How many hours do you sleep in a 24-hour period? Urinary and Genital Scanty or small amount of urine Decreased flow of urine Painful testicles Dark urine Flow does not stop quickly Sores on genitals Strong smelling urine Dribbling Pain during intercourse Cloudy urine Bed wetting Low sexual energy Profuse or large amount of urine Pain or burning when urinating Excessive sexual energy Clear urine Pain in bladder area Inability to achieve orgasm Unable to hold urine Blood in urine Prostate problems Urgency to urinate Bladder infection Low sperm count Frequent urination Kidney infection Ejaculation during sleep Difficulty urinating Kidney stones Inability to maintain erection Lumps on testicles How often do you urinate in 24 hours? How often do you wake to urinate at night? Any other problems with your urinary system? Pregnancy and Gynecology Number of pregnancies Caesarean sections Number of births Age of children Age at start of menopause Premature births Age at first menses Age menses stopped Miscarriages Starting date of last menses Hysterectomy Reason for Abortions Duration of flow Oophorectomy Difficult deliveries Reason for white/curd-like Breast cysts or lumps Have not yet begun menstruating frothy & profuse itchy burning Pelvic inflammatory disease Irregular flow Missed periods Currently have an IUD Clots - dark purple, dark brown, red Premenstrual irritability Previously had an IUD Current use of birth control pills Heavy flow Premenstrual emotional sensitivity Previous use of birth control pills Light colored/pale blood Painful periods Premenstrual breast tenderness Other birth control Endometriosis Premenstrual bloating Cannot maintain pregnancy Cramping before period starts Cramping after period starts Premenstrual headache Trying to become pregnant Premenstrual fluid retention Low backache with period Spotting between periods Vaginal discharge Vaginal discharge no odor strong odor brownish Premenstrual headache Premenstrual constipation Premenstrual diarrhea Hot flashes Abnormal pap Uterine fibroids Ovarian cysts Infertility Pregnant Nausea or morning sickness Nursing Any other pregnancy or gynecological problems? Date of last pap test Respiratory Chronic cough Dry cough Tight, rattling cough Loose cough Thick, sticky phlegm Thin, watery phlegm Clear or white phlegm Yellowish phlegm Blood in phlegm Bronchitis Pneumonia Pain with deep breath Shortness of breath Wheezing Emphysema Asthma, more difficult to exhale Asthma, more difficult to inhale Asthma, worse on exhaling Frequent chest colds Head, Ears, Nose, Mouth, Throat and Neurological Frequent colds Sinus congestion or pain Gum problems Bleeding gums Dentures Dizziness or loss of balance Convulsions Trembles Concussion Seizures Faintness Numbness Changes in handwriting Headache Migraine headache Migraine headache Facial pain Grinding teeth Jaw tension or clicking (TMJ) Frequent dental cavities Congestion in ears Earache Excessive saliva or drooling Congestion in ears Taste in mouth Difficulty hearing Taste changes Motion sickness Sores on tongue Deafness Sores in mouth (canker) Nasal congestion Sores of lips (fever blister) Runny nose Sores of lips (fever blister) Nose bleeds Difficulty swallowing Sneezing Lump or pit in throat Allergies Sore throat Decreased sense of smell Strep throat Dry mouth Swollen lymph nodes Tonsillitis General Head or chest cold Jaundice Recent weigh loss Flu Armpits or groin swellings Recent weight gain Recurrent fever Anemia Often thirsty Chills Always fatigued Seldom thirsty Night sweats Fatigued easily Smoking Perspire easily w/o exertion Sudden drop in energy Alcohol use Rarely perspire Recreational or hard drugs Smoking Emotional Depression Sexual difficulties Worry a lot Suicidal feelings Mood swings Frequent crying Frequent anger or irritation Manic episodes Anxiety or fear Tendency to repress emotions Obsessiveness or compulsiveness Indecisiveness Lonely Sadness or grief Difficulty handling stress Frightening dreams or thoughts Lack of concentration or memory Difficulty relaxing Shy or sensitive Desired psychiatric help Have you ever been emotionally, physically or sexually abused? Have you ever been treated for emotional problems? Have you recently had any unusually stressful experiences (divorce, death of a loved one, bankruptcy, loss of a job, illness, injury, etc.)? Describe. Is there a constant stress in your life, at work, with your family, etc. Any other emotional problems? reCAPTCHA By entering my name, this is my electronic signature for consent. Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.