by ACaringAdmin | Mar 15, 2024 | Mindfulness / Meditation, Stress / Illness / Coping Skills
Navigating social interactions can feel like trekking through a thorny thicket for those suffering from social anxiety. Each nod, word, and shared laugh can be a heart-thumping event. How does one go from these anxious episodes to a place of confidence and ease in...
by ACaringAdmin | Feb 14, 2024 | Prevention / Nutrition / Mental Health
When it comes to success in relationships, it’s all about compassionate communication, an art form that involves listening with empathy, expressing with sincerity, and understanding with depth. Compassionate communication is a tool that empowers you to speak and...
by ACaringAdmin | Jan 19, 2024 | Emotions / Motivation / Positive Phsychology, Mindfulness / Meditation
As the days shorten and the temperature drops, many people find their mood plummeting in tandem. This isn’t just a case of the winter blues; it’s a real and often misunderstood condition known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). SAD is a type of...
by ACaringAdmin | Dec 18, 2023 | Stress / Illness / Coping Skills
The holiday season is often depicted as a time for celebrating and enjoying time with loved ones, but, for many, Christmas is fraught with feelings of loneliness. Illness and old age often contribute to this feeling, but loneliness can occur even when we are...
by ACaringAdmin | Nov 14, 2023 | Mindfulness / Meditation, Prevention / Nutrition / Mental Health
The Thanksgiving Holiday is a time to reflect upon and appreciate the many blessings in our lives. It’s a time filled with loved ones, food, and traditions that remind us of the importance of gratitude. But why limit this practice to just one day? Research has...