There are times when you may feel like you are missing the mark or falling short of what you need or want to accomplish. It’s common to feel tired, sluggish, ineffective, and frustrated. It can also be hard to determine the origin of those negative feelings. Could it be a job that isn’t challenging or rewarding? Could it be a stagnant relationship? Maybe it’s an old emotional wound from the past that won’t stop nagging at you. Or maybe you just feel like things could be better overall.

If you are looking for help, there are many options. Maybe too many, in fact. There are countless mental health professionals who offer counseling and therapy. There is also a newer option, which started in the 1980s and has grown in the United States into a billion-dollar industry. That option is life and wellness coaching. But how do you know which option is right for you?

While both can be beneficial, they serve entirely different purposes.

The role of the therapist is to determine if a patient is being plagued by a mental health-related illness or condition, diagnose it, and follow through with treatment, which might include individual therapy or medication. The treatment options are generally more long-term in nature.

These are some of the issues that therapists address:

  • Distress caused by mental health issues, which can include depression, anxiety, past or present trauma, phobias, and similar behavioral disorders
  • Relationship issues
  • Inability to deal with or resolve emotions
  • Eating disorders, suicidal thoughts and actions, and self-mutilating behaviors

Therapists are medical professionals and should be sought if you think your problem has a physical or psychological cause.

Conversely, life and wellness coaches are not required to be a medical professional and do not address physical, mental, or relationship issues. Their role is to help you set and achieve goals. Life coaching is designed to evaluate your “here and now” in order to plan for the future.

These are some of the things that wellness coaching can help you do:

  • Compare where you are with where you want to be
  • Identify, clarify, and set attainable goals
  • Anticipate obstacles that may be in the way
  • Develop strategies to overcome obstacles so you can reach your goals

Life coaching is usually not as long-term as therapy and while the progress you make can also improve other areas of your life including your relationships, your career, and your overall outlook, it is not intended to be a substitute for medical care.

If you still aren’t sure, Dr. Durana at A Caring Approach can help you figure out what the best solution is for your situation. Contact us today for an appointment.