Holiday Stress and Family Dynamics: A Therapist’s Guide to Maintaining Balance
Coping Strategies for Social Anxiety: Building Confidence in Social Settings
Navigating social interactions can feel like trekking through a thorny thicket for those suffering from social anxiety. Each nod, word, and shared laugh can be a heart-thumping event. How does one go from these anxious episodes to a place of confidence and ease in social settings? A Caring Approach believes in a step-by-step process, a gentle...
Featured Blogs
What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and How Does it Work?
Treating people for psychological issues such as addiction, eating disorders, anxiety, and depression can be a complex process. Not all people react to therapy in the same way because we all come from different backgrounds. So if you’re looking for Reston or Bethesda...
Shame and Counseling
Body and Mind – Shame Welcome. I’m your host, Beverly Jones, and today I’m interviewing Dr. Carlos Durana, the founder of A Caring Approach. Dr. Durana is a clinical psychologist and counselor with over 25 years of experience in couples and individual counseling, with...
Therapy Isn’t Just for “People with Problems”
A common misconception that many people have about talk therapy is that there has to be something “wrong” with you before you can seek out professional help. Part of the reason why people feel this way is because they believe that the highs and lows they are...
Most Recent Blogs
Our Emotional Intelligence: purpose and tasks of emotions
Our emotional life is the foundation of our interpersonal intelligence, our capacity to relate to others in...
Beliefs (Exercise for self-exploration)
Make a list of the positive and negative beliefs in any or all of the following areas of your life: sexual...
Distressed and Non-distressed (satisfied) Marital Relationships in Couples Counseling Part I
One of the most disturbing symptoms of a distressed relationship is the escalation of negative behaviors and...
Using grounded mindfulness to cope with anxiety: Case example
Anxiety causes a great deal of distress and suffering. I find in my individual counseling practice in...